News & Events
News – October 2020
by radmin 12th October 2020
The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak announced last week extension of the Job Support Scheme.
We are currently advising our employer and employee clients alike in relation to:
Rishi Sunak’s Job Support Scheme
- which employers and employees qualify?
- what are the rules of the scheme for businesses closed due to lockdown?
- what are the rules of the scheme for businesses not closed due to lockdown?
- how does it differ from the furlough scheme?
- what happens if there is not enough work for the employee?
- what if the employee cannot work due to ill health (including Covid)?
We are also advising our clients on:
- the job retention bonus
- the new criminal offence of allowing self-isolating workers to come to work
- injunctions and interim relief
Further advice is being given to our clients on:
Health & Safety Detriments / Dismissals in the time of Coronavirus
- sections 44 and 100 of the Employment Rights Act 1996
- what is meant by ‘serious’ and ‘imminent’ danger to health?
- is commuting to work covered?
- are employees entitled to be paid if staying at home under s44?
- how employers should deal with employees who refuse to come into work – the practical answer
And we have updates upon request for clients who are interested in relation to:
3 of the latest most important (in our opinion) caselaw developments:
- Constructive dismissal (Phoenix Academy Trust v Kilroy)
- Personality clash dismissals (Gallacher v Abellio Scotrail)
- Changing contract terms after a TUPE transfer (Astrea Asset Management)
As always, if you have any questions or require any further details about these issues, please reach out either Navraj (on 07876 140121 or or David (on 07899 865909 or